World Server Throwing Championship
Bare Metal vs. Raw Power
For more than 10 years, servers have been thrown in data-center basements, organized by the Dutch Cloud Community. Nobody has been allowed to talk about it—until now. The World Server Throwing Association (WSTA) brings this intense underground sport, which has been criticized as “needlessly brutal to servers”, into the mainstream for the whole Cloud community to enjoy. Now we’ll find out who’s strong, mean, and keeping their datacenter clean!
Applications for the World Server Throwing Championship are now closed.
We will shortly inform you by email if you have secured a spot in the Server Throwing Arena. If you don’t get a slot, we hope you will still show up to cheer—or maybe jump in if there is a no-show!

Men’s Preliminaries
March 18
5:30 pm – 7:00 pm
Women’s Tournament, Grand Final
March 19
5:00 pm – 6:30 pm
VIP Parking Area near the
CloudFest Main Entrance
Applications are now accepted
(CloudFest registration required)
How It Works
Server-throwing athletes in Men’s and Women’s divisions will show their raw power in front of a live audience of CloudFest attendees. This intense sport welcomes all genders and ability levels: the only requirement is your desire to throw a server really %&#*ing far.

March 18: Men’s Preliminaries
This is how it works: each server thrower has two attempts, and the furthest result is recorded. The top three finishers will advance to the Grand Final on the following day.
This sport is not just about strength: it’s also about balance, technique, breathing, focus, and the power of what is in your heart. Sign up below if you want to throw!
March 19: Women’s Tournament
Anybody who thinks women don’t throw servers must be living under a rock! Same rules as above: each athlete has two attempts at greatness, with the furthest result recorded. Want to throw? Sign up below!
March 19: Grand Final
This is it! The winners from yesterday’s preliminaries will face off against the winners of the Spanish and Dutch Qualifiers—as well as last year’s champions. (Sure, Bartosz “The Beast” Wojciak and Dierk “The Machine” Zienicke sound like tough guys, but anything can happen in this sport!)
Men’s and Women’s champions will wear the coveted WSTC Belt and raise their gloved fists in triumph as the crowd goes absolutely nuts!
Who Can Compete
All registered CloudFest attendees are invited to apply for one of the limited number of spots. Then it’s time to put on the gloves, take a deep breath, and throw your way into legend!

Look for This Logo
The WSTA Seal of Excellence
All servers bearing this logo have been tested for weight and aerodynamic qualities—and approved for throwing by the WSTA.

The Ancient Roots of Server-Throwing History
Did you know that ‘discus’ was the classical Greek word for ‘server’? We bet you didn’t! Now you can take part in a ritual show of strength that has actually been around for thousands of years, evolving over the generations to become the intense, kinetic spectacle you’ll see at CloudFest.
WSTC Partners
WSTA Members

Championship Partners

Alliance Partner

Apply for a Sever Throwing Slot
Step 1
Registration for CloudFest is also required.
Please get your CloudFest pass before filling out this form.
Applications for the World Server Throwing Championship are now closed.
We will shortly inform you by email if you have secured a spot in the Server Throwing Arena. If you don’t get a slot, we hope you will still show up to cheer—or maybe jump in if there is a no-show!