[vc_row row_v_align=”grid–middle” class=”custom-hero” wrapper=”true” wrapper_size=”o-wrapper–extra-wide” holder_set_margin=”true” holder_set_padding=”true” holder_img=”54814″ holder_img_behave=”u-background-cover” holder_img_pos=”u-background-pos-center”][vc_column][wps_heading text=”CLOUDFEST RULES FOR” size=”u-text-huge” color=”u-text-color-invert” weight=”u-text-bold” class=”u-font-outline” set_margin=”true” margin=”u-margin-bottom-none”][wps_heading text=”MITIGATING COVID-19″ size=”u-text-huge” color=”u-text-color-invert” weight=”u-text-bold” set_margin=”true” margin=”u-margin-bottom”][wps_button url=”url:https%3A%2F%2Fwww.cloudfest.com%2Fcovid%23faq|title:Corona%20FAQ” label=”FAQ” color=”c-button–secondary” ghost=”yes” class=”bonus-code-forward” icon_family=”duotone” ico_position=”start”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row wrapper=”true” wrapper_size=”o-wrapper–slim” holder_set_padding=”true” holder_bg_fx=”u-background-color-six” holder_padding=”u-padding-vertical-large”][vc_column][wps_heading text=”GREEN LIGHT!” size=”u-text-large” text_align=”u-text-center” class=”uppercase” set_margin=”true” margin=”u-margin-bottom-tiny”][wps_heading text=”CloudFest 2022 Gets the Go-Ahead from Local Authorities” size=”u-h3″ text_align=”u-text-center” class=”uppercase” set_margin=”true” margin=”u-margin-bottom-small”][vc_column_text]Over the last weeks we have been in extensive exchange with the venue Europa-Park, local authorities and the responsible federal state government of Baden Württemberg.

We have now received final confirmation that CloudFest 2022 can take place as planned from March 22-March 24. The current expectation is that all trade shows will be allowed by the time CloudFest takes place as more and more restrictions continue to be lifted. Already today, in most parts of Germany trade shows are allowed and happening.

If for any foreseeable reason the restrictions should not be lifted in general, we have received confirmation that CloudFest will be granted a special exemption permit and can take place as planned.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row wrapper=”true” wrapper_size=”o-wrapper–wide” holder_set_padding=”true” holder_padding=”u-padding-vertical-large”][vc_column width=”1/3″][wps_heading text=”GENERAL INFORMATION” size=”u-h3″ set_margin=”true”][/vc_column][vc_column width=”2/3″][vc_column_text set_margin=”true” margin=”u-margin-bottom-none”]The safety of our attendees is our top priority. This set of CloudFest Covid rules is established to create a zone of safety for everyone attending CloudFest—and indeed to be sure that this festival can happen in the first place. Only by meeting these standards can we deliver the safest possible experience once you arrive at Europa-Park.

All validated CloudFest participants will be required to provide proof of a completed vaccination against COVID-19/ or recovery AND a negative professionally administered rapid-antigen test within 24 hours of your arrival (You’ll see local testing locations in Rust in our Covid FAQs, but we suggest testing before you get on the road!). You’ll only need to present this proof once, and you can present it at any of the Europa-Park luxury hotels or the Information Desk located at the main entrance to CloudFest.

Attendees are highly encouraged to receive a booster vaccination, if eligible.

All policies and mitigation efforts remain subject to applicable laws and public health guidance and the circumstances at the time of the event. We will have more information soon as our policy evolves with specifics regarding testing, masking and social distancing. Here you’ll find the rules that everyone is expected to follow, as well as some FAQs.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text set_margin=”true” margin=”u-margin-bottom-none”]

  • All CloudFest attendees, staff, and volunteers are asked to adhere to the Health Pledge, which you’ll find below.
  • All CloudFest staff and volunteers on-site at the Conference and Festivals will have shown proof of full vaccination.
  • Several rapid-testing centers are close by if needed. Rapid-antigen and PCR tests will be available at no or low cost.
  • Masks will be required in all conference session rooms, exhibitions, registration, and pre-function areas.
  • Masks will be strongly encouraged in all other areas and where social distancing cannot be maintained.
  • Social distancing of at least 1.5m is recommended where possible.
  • Hand sanitizing stations will be provided throughout conference and exhibition venues.
  • Europa-Park, like all of our event venues, has enhanced its mitigation efforts by increasing the cleaning frequency of high-touch surfaces.
  • Additional measures and updates will be provided closer to the event. Check back often and keep an eye out for email updates.

[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row row_h_align=”grid–center” wrapper=”true” wrapper_size=”o-wrapper–wide” holder_set_padding=”true” holder_bg_fx=”u-background-dark” holder_padding=”u-padding-top-large u-padding-bottom”][vc_column][wps_heading text=”CLOUDFEST CORONA QUICK GUIDE” size=”u-h1″ text_align=”u-text-center” color=”u-text-color-primary” set_margin=”true” margin=”u-margin-bottom-large”][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/3″ set_margin=”true” margin=”u-margin-bottom-large”][wps_image image_id=”54746″ align=”aligncenter” set_margin=”true” margin=”u-margin-bottom”][wps_heading text=”PROOF OF VACCINATION OR RECOVERY REQUIRED” size=”u-h5″ text_align=”u-text-center” color=”u-text-color-primary” class=”text-uppercase” set_margin=”true” margin=”u-margin-bottom-none”][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/3″ set_margin=”true” margin=”u-margin-bottom-large”][wps_image image_id=”54750″ align=”aligncenter” set_margin=”true” margin=”u-margin-bottom”][wps_heading text=”WEAR YOUR FFP2 FACE MASK” size=”u-h5″ text_align=”u-text-center” color=”u-text-color-primary” class=”text-uppercase” set_margin=”true” margin=”u-margin-bottom-none”][vc_column_text txt_color=”u-text-color-invert” txt_align=”u-text-center” el_class=”text-uppercase”](N95, KN95, KF94, P2, DS2, PPF2)[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/3″][wps_image image_id=”54749″ align=”aligncenter” set_margin=”true” margin=”u-margin-bottom”][wps_heading text=”Negative Rapid Test Result w/i 24hrs of Arrival” size=”u-h5″ text_align=”u-text-center” color=”u-text-color-primary” class=”text-uppercase” set_margin=”true” margin=”u-margin-bottom-none”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row row_h_align=”grid–center” wrapper=”true” wrapper_size=”o-wrapper–wide” holder_set_padding=”true” holder_bg_fx=”u-background-dark” holder_padding=”u-padding-bottom-large”][vc_column width=”1/3″ set_margin=”true” margin=”u-margin-bottom-large”][wps_image image_id=”54754″ align=”aligncenter” set_margin=”true” margin=”u-margin-bottom”][wps_heading text=”DON’T COME TO THE EVENT IF YOU FEEL ILL” size=”u-h5″ text_align=”u-text-center” color=”u-text-color-primary” class=”text-uppercase”][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/3″ set_margin=”true” margin=”u-margin-bottom-large”][wps_image image_id=”54752″ align=”aligncenter” set_margin=”true” margin=”u-margin-bottom”][wps_heading text=”RESPECT PERSONAL SPACE” size=”u-h5″ text_align=”u-text-center” color=”u-text-color-primary” class=”text-uppercase”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row wrapper=”true” wrapper_size=”o-wrapper–wide” holder_set_padding=”true” holder_padding=”u-padding-vertical-large”][vc_column width=”1/3″][wps_heading text=”HEALTH PLEDGE | YOU ARE COMMITTED TO” size=”u-h3″ set_margin=”true”][/vc_column][vc_column width=”2/3″][vc_column_text set_margin=”true” margin=”u-margin-bottom-none”]

  • Adhering to CloudFest COVID-19 policies and mitigation measures, i.e. everything on this page that you’re reading right now.
  • Wearing masks properly when required, over both the nose and mouth. You know how this works by now.
  • Practicing respiratory etiquette when masks are not required, such as covering your nose and mouth when coughing or sneezing. Hopefully, we don’t have to tell you this.
  • Implementing good hygiene, such as frequently washing or sanitizing your hands.

[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row wrapper=”true” wrapper_size=”o-wrapper–slim” holder_set_padding=”true” holder_bg_fx=”u-background-color-two” holder_padding=”u-padding-vertical-large”][vc_column][wps_heading text=”YOU WILL NOT PARTICIPATE IN OR ATTEND ANY CLOUDFEST EVENT IF ANY OF THE FOLLOWING APPLY TO YOU” size=”u-h3″ text_align=”u-text-center” set_margin=”true”][vc_column_text set_margin=”true” margin=”u-margin-bottom-none”]

  • You have tested positive for COVID-19 and have not complied with isolation rules.
  • You are experiencing symptoms consistent with COVID-19.

[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text set_margin=”true” margin=”u-margin-bottom-none”]CloudFest supports you in your individual efforts and personal responsibility in combating COVID-19 —and reserves the right to revoke or suspend access to anyone for endangering the health and safety of fellow attendees, staff, and participants by not following these rules.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row wrapper=”true” wrapper_size=”o-wrapper–slim” holder_id=”faq” holder_set_padding=”true” holder_padding=”u-padding-vertical-large”][vc_column][wps_heading text=”FAQS” size=”u-h1″ text_align=”u-text-center” set_margin=”true” margin=”u-margin-bottom-small”][wps_accordion clicktoclose=”yes” class=”job_accordion u-border faq_acc”][wps_accordion_item title=”What are Germany’s current travel restrictions regarding my home country? Will I have to quarantine when I arrive?” tag=”h4″ icon_class=”arrow-alt-circle-right”]Germany’s Federal Foreign Office constantly updates their website with new quarantine and visitation rules. Most EU countries (including Germany [as of Feb. 7th] do not require quarantine for fully vaccinated or recovered travelers, but be sure to check this link to see your country’s current status. (Please read it very carefully: the English version is not as clearly written as we think it should be!)[/wps_accordion_item][wps_accordion_item title=”What counts as “fully vaccinated”?” tag=”h4″ icon_class=”arrow-alt-circle-right”]Two vaccinations minimum. If only vaccinated twice, the second dose must come 14 days before the start of the event. If already boostered, then there is no 14-day waiting period. See here for the list of vaccines approved by the Paul Erlich institute, which are the only ones accepted in Germany. Depending on where you got your jab, these might go under different names, so please read the list carefully. Mixed vaccines are accepted as long as those vaccines are all on the approved list.[/wps_accordion_item][wps_accordion_item title=”What constitutes full recovery?” tag=”h4″ icon_class=”arrow-alt-circle-right”]

Full recovery constitutes proof of a positive PCR/PoC-PCR/NAAT or similar test (not rapid antigen) dated at least 28 days before your arrival at Europa-Park, and no older than 90 days before your arrival.

[/wps_accordion_item][wps_accordion_item title=”Where Can I Test Myself Before CloudFest?” tag=”h4″ icon_class=”arrow-alt-circle-right”]

You only have to get tested before you check in for the first time at your hotel or the Main Entrance—this has to be a professional test, not a self-test; and be done within 24 hours of your arrival. We recommend doing this before you leave for CloudFest, but there are several test centers in the Rust area. This link shows our recommended test centers, and this link provides a general overview of local testing centers. We highly recommend pre-registering for tests whenever possible, in Rust or wherever you are. The test centers are free for all German residents, but all other nationalities must pay 16,90€ for tests (prices may vary by test station).

[/wps_accordion_item][wps_accordion_item title=”Are COVID tests really that cheap in Germany?” tag=”h4″ icon_class=”arrow-alt-circle-right”]

Yes, official antigen test stations are widely available and charge only 16,90€/test. If you are a German resident you can also benefit daily from the so-called “Bürgerest” which is free of charge.

[/wps_accordion_item][wps_accordion_item title=”How do hotels control COVID?” tag=”h4″ icon_class=”arrow-alt-circle-right”]

The friendly CloudFest staff will check your vaccination/recovery status either at the Europa-Park hotel where you’re staying or the main venue entrance. You’ll then get a wristband that allows you to move freely throughout the park.

[/wps_accordion_item][wps_accordion_item title=”How do I prove vaccination or recovered status?” tag=”h4″ icon_class=”arrow-alt-circle-right”]

If you have a digital COVID Pass that’s recognized by EU countries, then you can show a QR code via your phone. If not, then please show an official paper certificate evidencing your vaccination. Please remember that you must also have a valid ID or Passport handy to confirm your identity. You cannot enter without your ID. If recovered from COVID, please bring official proof with the dates of your infection alongside identification.

[/wps_accordion_item][wps_accordion_item title=”WHAT DO I DO IF I TEST POSITIVE FOR COVID-19 BEFORE CLOUDFEST STARTS?” tag=”h4″ icon_class=”arrow-alt-circle-right”]If you test positive for COVID-19, you will be immediately barred from all events and social events. If you are already in Rust, and are able to travel individually to your home (e.g. by car), you must do so immediately. If that’s not possible, you’ll need to self-isolate in your hotel room and inform your hotel staff. If you booked your room through CloudFest, then let us know right away as well: we’ll cover 50% of your quarantine accommodation costs for seven days.[/wps_accordion_item][wps_accordion_item title=”What kind of mask can I use at CloudFest, and when getting to CloudFest?” tag=”h4″ icon_class=”arrow-alt-circle-right”]

Germany requires the use of FFP2 masks or above on trains and buses—including the CloudFest Shuttle from Offenburg to Europa-Park. This means FFP2, N95, KN95, KF94, Australia/New Zealand P2, Japan DS2, or PPF2 masks. (Textile masks are not accepted, and using them will result in a fine. Don’t even think about getting on a train without a mask—German train conductors don’t mess around!)

CloudFest will provide FFP2 masks when needed but you should also bring your own masks.

When flying, we recommend N95/KN95/KF94 masks for maximum safety.

[/wps_accordion_item][/wps_accordion][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][wps_image image_id=”54694″][/vc_column][/vc_row]

CloudFest Passes

Only for CloudFest’s core audience of CSPs, hosters, MSPs, corporate IT, web agencies, and WordPress developers.  

The Standard Pass is like general admission at a sports stadium or concert: you get the full access to the CloudFest venue, plus free lunch and coffee breaks; as well as free shuttle service to and from Offenburg.


  • Access to the entire CloudFest venue at Europa-Park
  • Invitation to all of the main parties networking events
  • Event bag with CloudFest documentation
  • Participation in Keynote, Breakout, and Masterclass tracks, and Exhibition Hall
  • Catering, including lunch and coffee breaks
  • Free shuttle from Offenburg HBF to Rust and back
Only for CloudFest’s core audience of CSPs, hosters, MSPs, corporate IT, web agencies, and WordPress developers.  

The VIP Pass is like box seats at a sports stadium or concert: you will enjoy all of the features included in the Standard Pass, plus VIP-only perks like private social events and free shuttle service around Europa-Park in high-end cars.


  • All benefits from the Standard Pass
  • Exclusive high-level networking events
  • Hotel VIP treatment and concierge service (Book your hotel separately
  • Access to VIP Lounge
  • Chauffeured luxury car service between venues and EP hotels
  • Special lunch restaurant with gourmet catering
This pass is for professionals who sell to CloudFest’s core channel.

The Vendor Pass gives you full access to the venue, as well as discoverability and meeting tools so you can meet your most motivated customers. You also get free lunch and coffee breaks; as well as free shuttle service to and from Offenburg.


  • Access to the entire CloudFest venue at Europa-Park
  • Invitation to all of the main parties networking events
  • Event bag with CloudFest documentation
  • Participation in Keynote, Breakout, and Masterclass tracks, and Exhibition Hall
  • Catering, including lunch and coffee breaks
  • Free shuttle from Offenburg HBF to Rust and back
  • The ability to book 1on1 Meeting Tables
  • Badge scanning to create downloadable lead lists with your smartphone
  • Inclusion in a dedicated Vendor Register so attendees can find and connect with the vendors they want to meet
This pass is for professionals who sell to CloudFest’s core channel.

The Vendor VIP Pass is like getting box seats at a sports stadium or concert: you get all the features included in the Vendor Standard Pass, plus VIP-only perks like private social events and free shuttle service around Europa-Park in high-end cars.


  • All benefits from the Vendor Pass
  • Exclusive high-level networking events
  • Hotel VIP treatment and concierge service (Book your hotel separately)
  • Access to VIP Lounge
  • Chauffeured luxury car service between venues and EP hotels
  • Special lunch restaurant with gourmet catering

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What Our Attendees Say

CloudFest makes a huge impression on the Cloud professionals who attend. Wow, 5 might be our favorite number! 

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